Challenges when designing FPGA’s
for safety critical applications
A critical system is one in
which failure may lead to serious
consequences for the user. Failure of safety-critical
systems may endanger human life and failure of business-critical systems may result in serious
economic loss. In such
systems then, preventing failure
is crucial. Our focus in this presentation is on the safety
critical standards and how
to deploy these when designing FPGAs.
FPGA has taken a central role
in many designs and also in
safety critical systems.
New challenges arise when trying to design a safety critical system against a safety critical standard with limited support on how to handle FPGAs. There
is somewhat a lack of
consensus on how FPGAs can safely be deployed
and certified according to
a safety critical standard.
FPGAs are treated as hardware in some
standards and as software in some standards.
Roger Ericsson, ÅF,